Instructions for Knitted sweater for preemies

Baby Preemie Sweater knitted #8 needles 

Start with #8 needle and 82 stitches

7 lines of border,
then 20 lines of pattern to complete up to the arm pit, keeping first 4 and last 4 of each line as border.
work should measure 12 cms height
Make button holes on left side border in 20th and 30th line
work will be divided 22 for right side front + 38 for back + 22 for left side front

Right front at armpit:
Join yarn to start of purl/reverse side
Cast off 3 stitches, purl till last 4, k4
K 4 for border, knit till last 3, K2tog, K1
Alternate rows purl
K4 for border, K2 tog (for shaping neck), knit till last 3, K2tog, K1
continuing reducing from both sides till 1 stitch+ 4 of border is left
Left front:
Join yarn to start of right/knit side
Cast off 3 stitches, knit till last 4, k4
Alternate rows - K 4 for border, purl till end
K1, K2tog, knit till last 8, K2 tog (for shaping neck), K4 for border
continuing reducing from both sides till 1 stitch + 4 of border is left
Join yarn to start of right/knit side
Row 28 - Cast off 3 stitches, then knit till end
Row 29 - Cast off 3 stitches, then purl till end
Row 30 - K1, k2tog, knit till last 3 stitches, K2tog K1
Row 31 and all alternate rows - purl
Repeat Row 30 till 14 stitches remain. Check with front to confirm that the length of sleeves match.
Sleeves: (make 2)
Start with 25 stitches and make border for 4 lines. Increase 1 stitch after every 4th stitch to make 31 stitches . Knit in pattern for 15 lines.
Cast off 3, knit till end
Cast of 3 purl till end
*K1 K2 tog work till last 3, K2 tog, K1
All alternate rows -Purl
Continue repeating from * till 3 stitches remain

with right side facing, pick up 7 of right front, then 3 from sleeve, then stitches from back, then 3 from other sleeve, and left front. Work 4 lines of border. cast off and end


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